Monday, August 19, 2013

Gheorghe Cernaianu

Gheorghe Cernaianu – graphician and illustrator
Born on  9 January 1934, Brăila
Studies: The Institute of Fine Arts Nicolae Grigorescu, Bucharest, Romania (1964).
Has studied with: Gheorghe Ivancenco. 

Works illustrated:

1965 - Azi, Neptun şi Nicuşor vor să facă un vapor by Tudor Măinescu (Tineretului Publishing House)
1966 - Das Entlein by Werner Bossert (Tineretului Publishing House)
1966 - Papuciada by Camil Petrescu (Tineretului Publishing House)
1967 - Noi la '77 by antologie (Tineretului Publishing House)
1967 - După scatii şi după sticleţi by Gheorghe Borneanu (Tineretului Publishing House)
1968 - Castelul de aur (Tineretului Publishing House; Colecţia "Traista cu poveşti")
1968 - Hatmanul Tomşa by Eugen Boureanul (Tineretului Publishing House)
1968 - Corbea, Tineretului Publishing House
1969 - Căpitanul Turculeţ by Constantin Nonea (Tineretului Publishing House)
1969 - Vijelia by Eugen Boureanul (Tineretului Publishing House, "Cutezătorii" Collection)
1970 - Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe (Ion Creanga Publishing House, BPTC Collection nr. 10)
1971 - Fetiţa şi aviplanul by V. L. Kiselev (Ion Creanga Publishing House)
1972 - Zânele din valea cerbului by Nestor Urechia, Ion Creangă  Publishing House
1972 - Melcul mincinos by Mircea Sântimbreanu, Ion Creangă  Publishing House
1974 - Doamna Chiajna byAlexandru I. Odobescu, Ion Creangă  Publishing House
1974 - Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe, Ion Creangă  Publishing House 
1974 - Căpitan Mavromati. Ciulinii Bărăganului by Panait Istrati (Ion Creanga Publishing House, BPTC Collectionnr. 31)
1974 - Doamna Chiajna by A. I. Odobescu (Ion Creanga Publishing House, BPTC Collectionnr. 33)
1979 - Călătorii by Crişan Constantinescu (Ion Creanga Publishing House)
1979 - Eu sunt Toniţă by Gheorghe Nica, eIon Creangă  Publishing House
1980 - Din stejar, stejar răsare by Petre Hladch, Bucovineanu (Ion Creanga Publishing House, "Virtuţi strămoşeşti" Collection)
1981 - Piticul de aur by Lia Dracopol Fudulu (Ion Creanga Publishing House)
1982 - Poiana de argint by Călin Gruia (Ion Creanga Publishing House)
1983 - Fragmente istorice by Costache Negruzzi (Ion Creanga Publishing House, BPTC Collection nr. 77)
1983 - Coroana munţilor by Cristea Sandu Timoc (Ion Creanga Publishing House)
1983 - Romain Kalbris by Hector Malot (Ion Creanga Publishing House)
1984 - Florile copilăriei by Viorel Cozma (Ion Creanga Publishing House)
1984 -  Noi şi Arhimede doi by Gica Iuteş, Ion Creangă  Publishing House (cover)
1984 -  Conchistadorul Hernando Cortex by Radu Valentin,  Tineretului Publishing House
1984 - Capitan Mavromati, Ciulinii Baraganului  by Istrati, Panait, Ion Creangă  Publishing House
1985 - De veghe pe Olimp by Ştefan Zaides (Ion Creanga Publishing House)
1985 - Băiatul de la etajul trei by Anca Dumitrescu (Ion Creanga Publishing House)
1988 - Casa de lângă lună by Mihai Nicolae (Ion Creanga Publishing House)
1985 - Piticul de aur by Anca Dumitresc, Ion Creangă  Publishing House
1988 -  Vacanţa by Costache Anton, Ion Creangă  Publishing House ( BPTC colection – no. 86)
1988 - Casa de linga luna by Mihai Nicolae, Ion Creangă  Publishing House
1989 - Cântă vara la fereastră by Eugeniu Nistor (Ion Creanga Publishing House)
1989 - Ţara cu văzduh de ciocârlii by Corneliu Stoica (Ion Creanga Publishing House)
1990- Romain Kalbris by Hector Malot,  Ion Creangă  Publishing House

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